Looking back over the past 8 weeks I’m really grateful that I had an opportunity to do this. It was refreshing and energizing in both small and significant ways. The first few weeks I completed small projects around the house that have needed attention for quite some time. It’s nice to enter the house now and not have to think about getting those things done “when I have some time”. I made sure to make time for reading and relaxing as well that first month. I finished the book Blue Like Jazz. Nice read overall. I also got into Tim Keller’s The Reason for God, Bob Goff’s Love Does and a book called The Rest of God which focuses on sabbatical and sabbath. I also got to spend a good amount of time with my kids. Whether it was watching soccer games, cheering them on, playing in the yard any evening of the week or making pancakes on Sunday mornings I mostly enjoyed it. I mean they always find a way to fight about something which distracts from the amazing memorable moment at hand (sar...
Took Rainn over to the soccer fields and just hung out with him for a while. He needs one on one time more than I think he lets on. He sort of gets squished in the middle of everything so it's nice to just see him. He really loves soccer and he's getting really good. In the future I really want to carve out time for him. He's a pretty great guy.