Aaron asked me if I wanted to earn $100 playing some music. Turned out to be a pretty fun gig down at a place called Dockside in Osh Kosh. It was an acoustic set so it was the lead guy Chris, Aaron on guitar and cajon, and myself on guitar. I printed out all this music from the set list and literally used it for about 3 songs in a 3 hour set. Chris was all over the place song-wise so I didn't even have time to find the songs in my "book". I ended up just watching Chris's hands to see what chords he was playing and then getting the patterns for the song from there. I sang one tune and should've had more.. Maybe next time. Either way it was a cool gig. Free drinks for the band, and it was right on the water. Perfect night, super laid back. I don't know how often I'd like to do that kind of stuff though. It's quite a bit of driving (Aaron drove this time) and a lot of hours out of the house and so the $100 and a cut of the tip jar doesn't end up ...